Russian Lawyers

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Russian Attorneys Spotlight

Russian Lawyer Near Me - Andrei Romanenko
Andrei Romanenko San Francisco, CA
Immigration Law, Probate
13 years licensed
(415) 997-8144
Андрей Романенко работает иммиграционным адвокатом, защищает клиентов от депортации в иммиграционном суде, представляет клиентов на слушаниях в иммиграционной службе. Андрей готовит иммиграционные дела к рассмотрению в американских консульствах.  Андрей Романенко является сертифицированным специалистом по иммиграционному праву. Калифорнийская коллегия адвокатов подтверждает специализацию адвокатов, которые не просто соответствуют минимальным требованиям ведения юридической практики, а углубленно занимаются определенным видом юридической деятельности. Андрей получил степень доктора юридических наук (JD), закончив юридический факультет университета Беркли, одного из самых престижных университетов в Соединенных Штатах. На юридическом факультете Беркли Андрей углубленно изучал иммиграционное и предпринимательское право и был награжден сертификатом об успешном окончании программы предпринимательского права. Андрей с отличием закончил Государственный Университет Сан-Франциско (San Francisco State University) по специальности японский язык и литература, предварительно закончив четыре курса переводческого факультета Минского Государственного Лингвистического Университета, где он изучал японский, английский и польский языки. Андрей прошел стажировку по польскому языку в Университете Марии Кюри-Склодовской в Люблине, Польша.
Russian Lawyers Near Me - Olivia Polyakov
Olivia Polyakov Meridian, ID
Truck Accident, Insurance, Personal Injury
6 years licensed
(208) 510-7011
Olivia is in Personal Injury Attorney in Meridian, Idaho and represents individuals who have been injured in auto or trucking crashes. 
Russian Attorney Near Me - Nina Yakubov
Nina Yakubov Brandon, FL
Immigration Law
1 year licensed
(813) 445-4727
The zenith of my educational endeavor was realized at WMU Cooley Law School, where I attained the highest honors, Summa Cum Laude, and secured the coveted top-ranking position within my graduating class. This accolade underscores my unwavering commitment to the practice of law.   My vocation, as your immigration attorney, revolves around the nuanced complexities of immigration law. I understand that each case is as unique as the individuals it pertains to, and I am wholly committed to the provision of tailored, compassionate, and effective legal solutions.   I am Nina Yakubov, ESQ., and I am here to serve as your staunch advocate on your journey toward achieving success within the United States' intricate immigration landscape.   Sincerely,  

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I’m battling for equal custody of my 10 year old daughter and it seems that at every court hearing the judge has a preference for giving custody to her mother. I thought I had the same rights to custody as the mother but that doesn’t seem to be the case. The judge even asked me at the first temporary hearing how I thought I’d be able to handle my daughter’s needs as she gets older. I am just as good of a parent as the mother, probably better. Do I have equal rights as the father and can I get shared custody? Is there some preference that courts have in Virginia for awarding custody of children to the mother, especially if the child is a girl? What do I have to show to a judge to prove that I can parent my daughter as well as her mother can?
Child Custody Richmond, VA
My fiancé and I are dual citizens of Russia and the U.S. We are going to be getting married in Russia but then moving for at least some time to Charlotte, VA for my first work assignment. I have property in Russia that I inherited from my grandparents and I want my fiancé to sign a prenup agreeing that she won’t try to take that property if our marriage is not successful. Because we are marrying in Russia, do I need a Russian lawyer to draft this type of agreement, or should a U.S. lawyer do it since we’ll be living there? If I do need a Russian or international lawyer, how do I find one with experience in prenuptial agreement drafting?
Prenuptial Agreements Charlottesville, VA
I pay child support to my children’s father because he has primary custody of them due to me traveling frequently for work. I am always on time with payments and owe no back support. The problem is that he is constantly asking me for additional money for various things, like their school trips, clothes, fees for sports. He says what I pay in child support doesn’t cover these extra things, it only covers the basics like housing, food, and health insurance. I thought child support was supposed to take care of all of their expenses when they are with him. He says if I don’t contribute to the extra expenses he’ll just seek a higher child support payment. What is child support actually supposed to cover and can he get more support if he takes me back to court?
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